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Manufacturing Labour Costs By Country

The Impact of Labor Costs on Competitiveness


Labor costs play a pivotal role in determining the competitiveness of businesses and nations. This is particularly true in the manufacturing sector, where labor costs account for a significant portion of overall production expenses.

Labor Costs in China and the US

In 2018, manufacturing labor costs in China were estimated to be around $551 USD per hour, while the average in the US was approximately $445 USD per hour. This disparity in labor costs has implications for the competitiveness of manufacturers in both countries.

For US manufacturers, higher labor costs pose a challenge, as they may struggle to compete with overseas competitors who benefit from lower labor expenses. This can lead to job losses and a decline in domestic manufacturing output.

Global Comparisons

The table below provides a snapshot of labor costs in various countries:

Country Manufacturing Labor Cost (USD per hour)
China $551
United States $445
Germany $510
Mexico $250
Vietnam $230

As can be seen, labor costs vary widely across different regions. Countries with lower labor costs may have a competitive advantage in the global marketplace.


Labor costs are a critical factor in determining the competitiveness of businesses and countries. By understanding the global landscape of labor costs, manufacturers can make informed decisions to optimize their operations and remain competitive in the face of changing economic conditions.
